Selasa, 14 Juni 2011


BIOCARE 2011 adalah sebuah acara dari HMD Biologi 2011
Kegiatan ini diadakan di Kampung Kekoncong, Desa Purwasari, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Academic Scholarships in International Hotel Management, Stenden University Bali

International Hotel Management (IHM) Scholarships

Are you an Indonesian citizen? Do you have excellent study results? Are you very motivated to study International Hotel Management in Bali, earning a double degree upon graduation? Then you might be eligible for a full or partial scholarship at Stenden University Bali.

About Stenden university Bali

Double Bachelor’s Degree

International Hotel Management Stenden university Bali is accredited by both the Indonesian and the European government (i.e. the Indonesian National Accreditation Body (BAN-PT) and the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO).

What this means for our graduates is that upon successfully completing the International Hotel Management program they will be awarded both their Dutch Bachelor of Business Administratrion and an Indonesian Sarjana Ekonomi.

Academic Scholarships

Stenden University Bali invited Indonesian students who have excellent study results and motivated to study International Hotel Management in Bali, to get double bachelor’s degree and also full or partial academic scholarships.

Stenden University Bali has two types of scholarships for the academic year 2011/2012, both are for at least one academic year. However, if your study results at Stenden University Bali are excellent (full scholarship) or above average (partial scholarship), the scholarship will be extended to the following academic years as well.

The scholarships available are:

Full scholarship

A scholarship that covers the complete tuition fee (of 4600 each year USD) and all other study related costs, such as books and learning materials, equating up to USD24,000 in savings over four years. This scholarship will be rewarded only to the very best student(s). You should be highly talented and have excellent study results. Guideline is that you belong to the top 10% of your class.

Partial scholarship

A scholarship that consists of a discount in the tuition fee of 1000 USD per year. These scholarships are available for select students that score in the top 25% of their class and who are very motivated to study at Stenden.

IHM Scholarship Selection Criteria

Full Scholarship

Indonesian citizen
Belong to the top 10% of your class.
Ambitious and highly motivated individual
Showcasing a strong commitment to furthering a career in International Hotel Management

Partial Scholarship

Indonesian citizen
Belong to the top 25% of your class
Ambitious and highly motivated individual
Showcasing a strong commitment to furthering a career in International Hotel Management

The above characteristics should be demonstrated in the documents that you send with your application and in the interview we will have with selected candidates.

IHM Scholarships – Selection Procedure

1. Applications close June 30th 2011

2. First selection round of candidates by Stenden University Bali will be completed in the first two weeks of July. Shortlisted candidates will receive a notification before July 15th 2011.

3. Interviews with shortlisted candidates are held between July 18th and July 29th. The interview will be held with the General Manager of Stenden University Bali, one member of the academic staff and a manager of a hotel in Indonesia.

4. The final decision will be made on August 1st 2011. All shortlisted candidates, that have had an interview, will receive an answer that same day.

Both the full and partial scholarships are intended for applicants entering during primary and secondary intakes in September and November. Depending on the quality and number of the applicants that are selected for a scholarship, Stenden University Bali reserves the right to conduct subsequent rounds of scholarship selection for the intake in February (third intake) and April (fourth intake). More information about this will be posted on the Stenden website after September 2011.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
June 30th 2011

Further IHM Scholarship information and application procedure, Official website:

Beasiswa S2 untuk PNS: Master of Information Technology, UGM

Beasiswa Pendidikan S2 CIO KemKominfo 2011

Program pasca sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Magister Teknologi Informasi bersama dengan Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI menyelenggarakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 bagi pegawai negeri sipil untuk program Pascasarjana/S2 Chief Information Officer.

Beasiswa ini ditawarkan kepada calon mahasiswa terpilih dari lingkungan instansi pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang memiliki outstanding knowledge dan/atau skill dan bermotivasi besar untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan e-Government di Indonesia.

Maksud dan Tujuan

Program Pascasarjana/S2 CIO (Chief Information Officer) ditujukan untuk eksekutif/pengambil kebijakan yang bertanggungjawab mempromosikan TI sebagai sarana peningkatan kualitas birokrasi pemerintahan, baik pada level strategis maupun operasional. Program Pascasarjana/S2 CIO MTI UGM dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan SDM dalam rangka pengembangan e-Government di lembaga pemerintah tingkat pusat maupun daerah.

Ketentuan Umum – Kriteria Calon Penerima Beasiswa
Calon penerima beasiswa diharapkan memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:

Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang ditempatkan di lembaga-lembaga departemen, non departemen, baik di lingkungan pemerintahan pusat maupun daerah.
Memiliki masa kerja sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun terhitung mulai tanggal diangkat menjadi PNS dalam gelar S1 pada instansi yang bersangkutan.
Bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan e-Government di lingkungan asalnya.
Terbuka untuk semua sektor/bidang/dinas di instansi pemerintah.
Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada saat mendaftar.
Belum memiliki gelar S2 dan tidak sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 di tempat lain.
Tidak menerima dan/atau sedang menerima beasiswa dari lembaga lain.

Calon penerima beasiswa diharapkan memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:

Ijazah dan transkrip akan akademik S1 yang telah dilegalisir.
IPK S1 minimum 3,0.
Skor minimal TOEFL 450 dari PPB UGM atau ITP-TOEFL oleh institusi yang ditunjuk oleh The Indonesian Internasional Education Foundation.
Skor minimal TPA 500 yang dikeluarkan oleh Bappenas, Puspendik Litbang Diknas dan UGM.
Bagi yang belum memiliki nilai TPA dan/atau TOEFL (seperti point 3 dan 4) diperkenankan mengumpul berkas pendaftaran.
Asal Program Studi S1 memperoleh Akreditasi oleh BAN PT.
Surat rekomendasi dari 2 orang/pihak yang mengetahui kemampuan akademik.
Surat rekomendasi dari pejabat berwenang (minimum pimpinan instansi setingkat Eselon II) yang menjelaskan bahwa bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan E-Government.
Proyeksi keinginan dalam mengikuti program S2.
Surat ijin dari instansi/lembaga tempat bekerja.
Surat keterangan jaminan pembayaran.
Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter.
Daftar riwayat hidup.
Pas foto 3×4 sebanyak 2 lembar.
Portofolio berisi penjelasan proyek, penelitian, makalah, atau buku dibidang TI yang pernah dikerjakan selama 3 tahun terkahir (menjadi nilai tambah).
Semua persyaratan dibuat dalam rangkap 2.

Prosedur Aplikasi

Tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran.
Calon penerima beasiswa mengunduh dan mengisi berkas pendaftaran yang dapat diunduh disini atau disini(Upload UGM).
Berkas pendaftaran dikirim via pos atau diantar langsung ke kantor Magister Teknologi Informasi UGM.
Paling lambat diterima 29 Juni 2011. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat administrasi (shortlisted) akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes seleksi TI dan wawancara.

Keterangan Lebih Lanjut
Informasi resmi Program Beasiswa Pendidikan S2 CIO KemKominfo 2011 di MTI UGM dapat diakses di situs web MTI UGM,

Alamat Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :
Magister Teknologi Informasi Universitas Gadjah Mada
Gedung Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi lantai 2
Fakultas Teknik Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Lomba Karya Tulis “Tulisan Untuk Negeri” (BEM MIPA UI)

Tulisan Untuk Negeri merupakan salah satu rangkaian acara Mipa Untuk Negeri yang diselenggarakan oleh BEM FMIPA UI. Acara ini berskala nasional yang diharapkan akan menjadi ajang perayaan para ilmuwan Indonesia dalam dunia keilmiahan. Acara MIPA UNTUK NEGERI yang pertama kali diadakan ini bertemakan
“Peran Masyarakat Ilmiah Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Permasalahan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, Krisis Energi dan Lingkungan”.

Tulisan Untuk Negeri ini merupakan Lomba berupa kompetisi Karya Tulis Ilmiah nasional dimana tiap peserta diwajibkan mengumpulkan full paper yang sudah selesai atau akan segera selesai sebelum tanggal 1 Juli 2011. Enampuluh penulis terbaik hasil TULISAN UNTUK NEGERI (TUN) akan akan diundang ke Universitas Indonesia untuk mempresentasikan hasil Karya Tulisnya pada KONFERENSI ILMUWAN MUDA

INDONESIA (KIMI). Karya Tulis yang pernah dilombakan di acara lain, juga bisa didaftarkan di TULISAN UNTUK NEGERI 2011.

Tema kegiatan
“Indonesia Mampu Mengatasi Permasalahan Global”

Lingkup TUN ini berfokus pada tema utama acara, yaitu “Indonesia Mampu Mengatasi Permasalahan Global”. Dimana kami membagi lagi TUN ini menjadi tiga sub-tema yaitu:

Sosial Kemasyarakatan, Krisis Energi, dan Lingkungan.
Secara khusus salah satu sub-tema yaitu lingkungan, akan lebih memfokuskan kepada penanggulangan berbagai macam masalah lingkungan. Mulai dari pengolahan limbah rumah tangga atau plastik, hingga upaya konservasi lingkungan yang rusak.

Sub-tema krisis energi akan memfokuskan pada pencarian dan pendayagunaan energi alternatif di suatu wilayah dengan melibatkan secara aktif semua pemangku kepentingan.

Sub-tema sosial kemasyarakatan difokuskan pada upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk mengatasi masalah di masyarakat itu sendiri dengan melibatkan atau membentuk komunitas-komunitas.

Persyaratan Peserta

Peserta harus terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif di universitasnya.
Peserta merupakan mahasiswa tingkat D3 dan/atau S1.
Peserta boleh perorangan atau kelompok maksimal 3 orang dari berbagai disiplin ilmu namun masih 1 perguruan tinggi.
Peserta diharap memiliki pembimbing dalam melakukan karya tulisnya.
Karya tulis merupakan hasil dari pekerjaan orisinil peserta.
Karya tulis yang sudah pernah diikutsertakan dalam acara lain diperbolehkan diikutsertakan dalam acara ini.

Alur Pendaftaran

Unduh formulir pendaftaran di unduh di
Kirimkan formulir yang sudah diisi beserta full paper dan tanda pengenal mahasiswa (KTM) ke (4 juni 2011 s.d. 01 Juli 2011)
Full Paper yang lolos 20 besar dari tiap sub-tema diumumkan pada tanggal 7 Juli 2011.
Presentasi di UI dengan membawa materi-materi yang diperlukan (23 Juli – 25 Juli 2011).
Pemenang yang terpilih akan diumumkan pada tanggal 27 Juli 2011.


Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Selamat Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia

Kumbang menghisap madu si bunga, setelah dihisap ditinggal begitu saja..
Pembangunan menghisap banyak area biotik yang berdampak domino pada aspek lain, lalu ditinggal begitu saja karna alasan mengejar setoran, meraih impian hidup.
Habitat habis, penghuni pindah entah kemana, punah.
Selamat Hari Lingkungan Hidup..Dengan langkah 3M (Mulai dari diri kita sendiri, mulai dari hal yang kecil dan mulai dari sekarang) :)

Ebook path 2

Hey hey, ada ebook lagi nih..
silakan di download ya...

*Manual guide gel elektrophoresis download di sini
*Tonghuest Interview and Questions, download di sini
*101 Bahasa I Love You, download di sini
*Kumpulan Humor Terbaik, download di sini
*Chemimstry Lab Spektofotometri, download di sini
*Build gel box for elektrophoresis, download di sini
*Handbook of Typical School Design,(View General document dan View case study)
*Encyclopedia of Disaster, download di sini
*100 Kata Mutiara Endre Cecep Lantara, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-Catatan Hati di setiap Sujudku, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-Dia dalam Mimpi-Mimpi Rani, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-Cinta Lelaki Biasa, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-Istana Kedua, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-JTW On Two Mission, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-Rembulan di Mata Ibu, download di sini
*Asma Nadia-Catatan Hati Seorang Istri, download di sini
*Tere Liye-Bidadari-Bidadari Surga, download di sini
*Tere Liye-Hafalan Shalat Delisa, download di sini


Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Perkembangan Seni Karawitan Jawa di Indonesia

Seni Karawitan Jawa merupakan salah satu karya seni asli masyarakat Indonesia. Keberadaannya sangat popular pada zaman dahulu sehingga kehadirannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat jawa dapat mengakar ke dalam setiap jiwa masyarakatnya pada masa itu. Perkembangan suatu karya seni selalu menjadi daya tarik tersendiri, bagaimana kesenian tersebut dapat bertahan dalam perputaran zaman yang semakin modern. Begitu juga seni karawitan jawa yang merupakan seni klasik yang dapat dianggap juga sebagai music klasiknya orang barat.

Pada tugas makalah mata kuliah karawitan jawa ini, penulis mencoba untuk menjabarkan perkembangan seni karawitan jawa di Indonesia. Di mulai dari pengertian karawitan itu sendiri, sejarah kseni karawitan jawa, kedudukan seni karawitan jawa di masyarakat, tujuan pelestarian seni karawitan jawa, perkembangan seni karawitan jawa pada zaman sekarang dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam upaya pelestarian seni karawitan jawa di Indonesia.

Karawitan secara umum adalah kesenian yang meliputi cabang seni yang mengandung unsur-unsur keindahan, halus serta rumit atau ngrawit. Pengertian karawitan secara khusus adalah ekspersi jiwa manusia yang diungkapkan melalui media suara baik vocal maupun instrumentalyang berlaraskan slendro atau pelog (Sangarimbun 1992: 14).

Pengertian di atas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa karawitan adalah suatu jenis karya seni yang merupakan ekspresi jiwa manusia yang melalui media maupun tidak. Media yang digunakan biasanya secara instrumental, mengiringi, yang berupa suatu set gamelan jawa. Gamelan ini terdiri dari beberapa alat musik, seperti gender, slentem, bonang, kenong, kethuk, kendhang, peking, saron, gong dan masih banyak lagi. Alat-alat musik itu tidak dapat dimainkan secara sendirian, melainkan bersama-sama sehingga menimbulkan suatu singkronisasi suara yang indah yang dapat mengiringi suatu lagu. Seni suara (vokal) yang terdapat di dalam karawitan biasanya disebut tembang. Tembang sebagai karya sastra dengan patokan-patokan yang sudah tertentu cara membacanya harus dilagukan. Tembang dalam penyajiannya dapat dilakukan dengan iringan gamelan atau tanpa iringan gamelan. (Sangarimbun 1992: 14--15). Unsur atau elemen pokok yang terdapat dalam karawitan ialah gamelan, laras dan pathet. Gamelan adalah alat music tradisional jawa, bali dan sunda yang pada dasarnya menggunakan laras, slendro dan pelog. Laras ialah susunan nada yang di dalam satu oktaf sudah tertentu. Pathet merupakan wilayah atau susunan nada di dalam laras, dan nada-nada tersebut mempunyai fungsi dan kedudukan sendiri-sendiri (Sangarimbun 1992: 17--18).

Gamelan Jawa merupakan seperangkat instrumen sebagai pernyataan musikal yang sering disebut dengan istilah karawitan. Dalam mitologi Jawa, Gamelan diciptakan oleh Sang Hyang Guru pada Era Saka, Dewa yang menguasai seluruh tanah Jawa, dengan istana di gunung Mahendra di Medangkamulan (sekarang Gunung Lawu). Sang Hyang Guru pertama-tama menciptakan gong untuk memanggil para dewa, dan untuk pesan yang lebih khusus Ia kemudian menciptakan dua gong, lalu akhirnya terbentuk seperangkat Gamelan. Sebagian besar alat musik Gamelan terdiri dari alat musik perkusi yang dimainkan dengan cara dipukul atau ditabuh. Oleh sebab itu pada waktu orang memainkan alat musik Gamelan biasanya disebut “nggamel”. Nggamel adalah bahasa Jawa yang berarti Memukul / Menabuh. Inilah sebenarnya asal usul kata gamelan.
Dahulu pemilikan gamelan ageng Jawa hanya terbatas untuk kalangan istana. Kini siapapun yang berminat dapat memilikinya sepanjang bukan gamelan-gamelan Jawa yang termasuk kategori pusaka. Secara filosofis gamelan jawa merupakan satu bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat Jawa. Hal demikian disebabkan filsafat hidup masyarakat Jawa berkaitan dengan seni budayanya yang berupa gamelan Jawa serta berhubungan dekat dengan perkembangan religi yang dianutnya. Bagi masyarakat Jawa gamelan mempunyai fungsi estetika yang berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai sosial, moral dan spiritual. Kita harus bangga memiliki alat kesenian tradisional gamelan. Keagungan gamelan sudah jelas ada. Duniapun mengakui bahwa gamelan adalah alat musik tradisional timur yang dapat mengimbangi alat musik barat yang serba besar. Di dalam suasana bagaimanapun suara gamelan mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat. Gamelan dapat digunakan untuk mendidik rasa keindahan seseorang. Orang yang biasa berkecimpung dalam dunia karawitan, rasa kesetiakawanan tumbuh, tegur sapa halus, tingkah laku sopan. Semua itu karena jiwa seseorang menjadi sehalus gendhing-gendhing. Gamelan dibunyikan atau digunakan untuk mengiringi pergelaran wayang, mengiringi tari-tarian, mengiringi upacara sekaten, upacara kenegaraan/keagamaan, mengiringi klenengan untuk hal-hal tertentu (upacara nikah, ngundhuh mantu dan lain-lain). Seni karawitan (musik pentatonis) mendapatkan kedudukan yang istimewa di dunia seni pertunjukan Indonesia. Tentu saja, pernyataan ini tidak sekedar pujian atau basi-basi tanpa alasan. Di Surakarta dan Yogyakarta (eks ibukota kerajaan) yang hingga sekarang menjadi pusat budaya (kesenian), seni karawitan dapat berkembang bebas, baik di lingkungan njeron beteng (kraton) maupun luar kraton. Hampir setiap kelurahan di Yogyakarta memiliki seperangkat gamelan (alat musik Jawa), bahkan ada yang lebih dari satu unit. Belum lagi gamelan milik personal, baik dari kalangan bangsawan kraton, seniman maupun masyarakat biasa. Di sela-sela kesibukan masyarakat, dapat dipastikan ada aktivitas nabuh gamelan yang dilakukan rutin berkala. Ada kelompok yang beranggotakan pria dewasa, wanita dewasa, remaja serta anak-anak.

Tujuan pelestarian seni karawitan jawa sudah jelas, yaitu melestarikan keberadaan seni karawitan jawa di masyarakat agar tidak punah. Hal ini dikarenakan seni karawitan jawa merupakan asaet budaya yang besar yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan masyarakat jawa pada khususnya. Suatu asset besar bangsa Indonesia jika hilang atau pun punah akan menjadi suatu kehilangan yang sangat besar. Sejarah akan sangat kecewa jika pada akhirnya seni karawitan jawa yang merupakan suatu mahakarya orang-orang terdahulu tidak diteruskan oleh generasi muda zaman sekarang.

Lantas, bagaimanakah perkembangan pelestarian seni karawitan jawa di zaman sekarang? Upaya pelestarian seni karawitan jawa telah digalakkan oleh berbagai kalangan. Mengingat begitu pentingnya pelestarian seni karawitan jawa ini. Upaya-upaya pelestarian diantaranya dengan memasukkan muatan lokal jawa pada sekolah dasar, memasukkan kurikulum pendidikan jawa pada sekolah menengah dan lanjutan atas, membuka kelas karawitan jawa pada universitas, menyediakan seperangkat gamelan pada instansi pemerintah dan lain sebagainya. Semua hal itu bertujuan untuk melestarikan seni karawitan jawa agar tidak hilang atau punah. Namun, semua hal itu tidak akan berhasil jika tidak ada dukungan dari berbagai pihak, terutama pemerintah dan generasi muda yang akan meneruskan seni karawitan jawa ini. Upaya lain yang dilakukan adalah mempromosikan seni karawitan jawa pada dunia luar, negara lain, yang akhir-akhir ini sangat gencar dilakukan untuk mengenalkan salah satu karya seni bangsa Indonesia. Sebagai contoh yaitu didirikannya sebuah perkumpulan yang khusus untuk memainkan gamelan di Belanda, Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara lain. Mereka menikmati setiap alunan musik yang dihasilkan oleh gamelan jawa dan menyanyikan dengan penuh ketentraman dan semnagat yang tinggi. Dampak pengenalan pada dunia luar dapat positif maupun negatif. Positif karena seni karawitan jawa dapat terus dilestarikan dan bahkan lebih luas pengenalannya hingga mancanegara. Negatif yang ditimbulkan dapat berupa pengakuan dari negara lain karena merasa lebih melestarikan ataupun sama-sama berasal dari negaranya. Hal itulah yang harus dihindari agar seni karawitan jawa tetap lestari, namun tidak diakui negara lain. Upaya tersebut dapat terwujud jika ada dorongan yang kuat di dalam setiap diri masyarakat Indonesia untuk melestarikan seni karawitan jawa ini.

Banyak kendala yang ditemui dalam upaya pelestarian seni karawitan jawa di Indonesia. Kendala-kendala tersebut seperti kurangnya dana untuk membeli seperangkat gamelan yang cukup mahal. Mahalnya perangkat gamelan jawa disebabkan karena semakin sedikitnya produsen pembuat perangkat gamelan jawa dan berkurangnya bahan baku pembuatannya. Selain itu, kurangnya dukungan pemerintah dalam promosi karawitan jawa kepada masyarakat luas, terutama masyarakat jawa. Namun, sekarang telah muncul sebuah acara di televis yang menggunakan perpaduan gamelan jawa dan wayang orang yang dapat menghibur masyarakat. Selain menghibur juga dapat sebagai media pengenalan yang efektif. Kendala lain yaitu minimnya minat generasi muda untuk menekuni seni karawitan jawa karena lebih memilih menekuni seni lain ataupun seni dari barat. Hal ini desebabkan karena mereka menganggap karawitan jawa sebagai karya kuno dan ketinggalan zaman daripada musik/seni barat. Kemungkinan ketidakpedulian masyarakat turutama generasi muda juga dapat menjadi fackor minimnya minat kepada seni karawitan jawa. Selain beberapa hal yang disebutkan masih terdapat beberapa faktor yang lain yang merupakan pengembangan dari beberapa faktor di atas.

Tentunya dengan semakin sering kita berkarawitan, semakin tinggi cinta kita terhadapnya. Semakin tinggi pula rasa ingin melestarikan. Pelestarian seni karawitan jawa kini bukanlah sekadar keinginan, namun lebih merujuk kea rah kebutuhan. Ada upaya dari para seniman jawa untuk menciptakan suasana baru, yaitu dengan memainkan damelan sebagai instrument musik kontemporer zaman sekarang. Upaya itu diharapkan akan meningkatkan minat generasi muda untuk melestarikan seni karawitan jawa. Pelestarian seni kaawitan jawa bukanlah hanya tanggungjawab para seniman, melainkan semua masyarakat Indonesia karena karawitan jawa merupakan bagian dari budaya Indonesia yang harus dilestarikan.

Sumber :
1. Sangarimbun, M..1992.Garamata, perjuangannya melawah penjajahan Belanda, 1901-1905.P.T. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta : 125 hlm,, 23 Mei 2011, pk. 23.52

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Ph.D scholarship in Risk Assessment and Regulation of Mixture Toxicity

GESS - the Graduate Programme in Environmental Stress Studies - is
offering a Ph.D. scholarship to be affiliated with the Department of
Environmental, Social and Spatial Change (ENSPAC), Roskilde
University. The ph.d. is partly funded by the Velux foundation as it
is part of a larger project involving The Danish Ecological Council
and the Danish Technical University. The scholarship is for a period
of 3 years and shall be filled as soon as possible, within the area

Risk Assessment and Regulation of Mixture toxicity

The thesis should aim at addressing the implementation of mixture
toxicity into European chemicals regulation, with focus on REACH and
the Water Framework Directive.

In general, we have a good fundamental understanding of the
theoretical knowledge regarding how to access mixture effects, and two
well tested models are currently used within mixture toxicity
prediction namely Concentration Addition and Independent Action. These
models may possibly be used in a tiered manner with Concentration
Addition as the default prediction model. Some of the major persisting
knowledge gaps is concerned with i) how this knowledge can be applied
to real life mixture scenarios, ii) how it can be implemented in the
specific risk assessment scenarios that constitute the foundation of
the two above mentioned regulations and iii) what kind of information
is needed to reach this point. The focus of the thesis should address
these issues. This produced science shall subsequently be used by the
Danish Ecological Council both in order to improve the policy process
regarding the development of mixture toxicity regulation within EU and
for educational purposes.

The following tasks and questions will be addressed:

· Literature search on state-of-the-art of mixture toxicity
and risk assessment.
· Can recommendations be made on how to select chemicals for
specific mixture toxicity assessment?
· Can a general guideline for mixture toxicity assessment be
constructed, in order to facilitate a uniform and more comprehensive
implementation of mixture toxicity
· Is it possible to conduct mixture toxicity testing with
experimental design including limited replicates and where full dose
response curves might not be obtainable?
· Concentration Addition and Independent Action can in
principle by applied as soon as we have data for single chemical
toxicity. But how can they be applied in reality to the data that is
already present?
· Is it feasible to apply Concentration addition as a default
prediction model rather than evaluating both Concentration Addition
and Independent Action?

These questions should be addressed from a theoretical perspective,
and the study does thus not have an experimental dimension from the

The successful candidate should have a natural scientific background
with experience regarding biology, and (eco)toxicology. Experience
with mixture toxicity assessment will be an advantage – but is not a
requirement. Furthermore it is recommended that the candidate has a
good flair regarding the implementation of science in regulation, and
a understanding of the use of models in science/regulation.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ph.d. Secretary
Jytte Bach, tlf. 46 74 21 43, email: or GESS Director,
Assoc. Prof. Henriette Selck, tlf. 46 74 29 83, email:

Successful candidates will be enrolled in the Graduate Programme in
Environmental Stress Studies (GESS) in accordance with the rules
issued by the Ministry of Technology and Science and additional
regulations issued by Roskilde University. They will be employed in
accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC
(the Danish confederation of Professional Associations). Candidates
receiving GESS scholarships are automatically registered in the
school. They are expected to participate actively in relevant courses,
seminars and other activities arranged by GESS.

The application should include:

Project description of 4-6 pages
A time plan
Candidate certificate
Curriculum vitae
Letters of recommendation

The applicants are not requested to submit a budget, however any
extraordinary expenses associated with the project should be

We must receive your application on or before Friday 10 June 2011.
We only accept applications through our electronic recruitment system.
To apply for the position you must go to the job advertisement on our
homepage: Click on the button Apply for vacancy
here which appears immediately below the job advertisement. Then you
fill the application form and attach those in the job advertisement
mentioned documents. Finish by clicking Submit.

Roskilde University encourages all interested applicants, regardless
of age, sex, religious or ethnic background to apply.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Chinese Government Scholarship Program for International Students

Full and Partial Funded Scholarships for International Students by the Government of China
Level: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Chinese language training, Senior and General Scholar

Chinese Government Scholarship program is established by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 30th, 2011


Applicants shall apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or dispatching authorities between January and April every year. Applicants may contact the above authorities for deadlines for application.


1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.

2. Education background and age limit:

- Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
- Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
- Applicants for Chinese training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35, Chinese language is the only subject available.
- Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45, all subjects besides Chinese language are available.
- Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.


1. Full Scholarship

- Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, and fee for basic learning materials; and accommodation fee for dormitory on campus;

- Living allowance;

- One-off settlement subsidy after registration;

- Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Program for International Students in China;

- One-off inter-city travel subsidy.


1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the institution’s arrangements should be self-afforded.

2) Fee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other textbooks and materials shall be self-afforded.

3) Monthly allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):

- Undergraduates & Chinese language students: CNY 1,400 Yuan

- Master’s degree students & general scholars: CNY 1,700 Yuan

- Doctoral degree students & senior scholars: CNY 2,000 Yuan

Scholarship students shall receive their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount of that month. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the following month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon their return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month.

Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnancy or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The international travel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.

4) New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China.

- CNY 1,000 Yuan for new students who will study in China less than one academic year

- CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year and above

5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals entrusted by the institution. The students are to cover a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s regulations.

6) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Program for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the entrusted medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship student, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company.

7) One-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving China)

A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling

From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution is located;

From the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located;

From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation.

Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.

In principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located.

2. Partial Scholarship

One or several items of full scholarship (one-off settlement subsidy and one-off inter-city travel allowance excluded).


The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicates).

1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship ?filled in Chinese or English?

Those who are available for online application shall fill in and print the application form after submitting it online.

The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on .

Those who cannot apply online shall contact the dispatching authorities to get the application form and fill it truly, correctly and completely.

2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.

3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.

4. A study or research plan. All applicants are required to submit a study or research plan. It must be in Chinese or in English.

5. Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studies, or study in China as senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors. Applicants who apply in China shall submit the Admission Notice or Invitation Letter issued by the targeted university.

6. Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants’ own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of the applicants’ own works (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).

7. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China.

8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (The original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months.

The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th, 2011 via either the Chinese diplomatic mission in the applicant’s home country or the embassy of the applicant’s home country in China. Individual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned.


Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Only the listed Chinese HEIs in the Directory are available to the applicants for their study in China.


1. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions, specialties and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to institutions for academic competence and they will forward their nominations to CSC for agreement. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if they fail to meet the enrollment requirements or the application documents are incomplete.

2. If overseas applicants for degree programs with exemption of examinations are academically ineligible to the proposed programs, the institution reserves the right to decide the academic program they could attend or whether to give them conditional offers for their proposed programs. Students who attend Chinese language courses prior to their university study or those attend the college preparatory program must pass the university entrance examinations or other examinations required before they start their major studies. Students attending the college preparatory program, who fail to pass the required examinations within the due period, shall complete their study as Chinese language students.

3. Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEIs, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC.

4. Scholarship applicants academically accepted by Chinese HEIs will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approval from CSC.

5. Students are not permitted, in principle, to apply to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study as specified in the Admission Notice.

6. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to dispatching authorities by July 31st , 2011, who will forward the documents to the students.

Further scholarship information and application, including information about study in China, please see the official website:

Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2012/2013

Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2012/2013
CALL for APPLICATION: March 2011 – Study in Germany
(Deadline 28th July 2011)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries with further specialized studies. The DAAD supports these selected programs with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programs run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.

Target group:

University teaching staff, researchers and professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private institutions in the following areas:

Economic Sciences / Business Administration/ Political Economics
Development Co-operation
Engineering and related sciences
Regional Planning
Agricultural and Forest Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Public Health / Veterinary Medicine / Medicine
Social Science, Education and Law
Media Studies

Criteria for applying:

Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
For some courses, Bachelor degree should have been completed not longer than 6 years at the time of application. Concerning this matter, please directly contact the coordinator of the respective study program
Degree: Bachelor or Master
GPA: min 2,75 for Master candidates (some study programs applied GPA more than 2,75. Please see the detail on the website of each study program) and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates
Work experience: at least two years after completing Bachelor degree.
Language skill:
For postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based) or IELTS (band 6). Some courses may expect a different level. For detailed information see the website of the relevant course.
For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the course list. Certain level of German language exam may be required before admission to the course.

Contact Information

Information and DAAD form are available from the:

DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas I, Lt. 19
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190

Consultation hours: Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Contact person: Ms. Dwi Nurlianti/Ms. Muji Rahayu
Phone: (021) 520 0870 / 525 2807
Fax: (021) 525 2822

Further postgraduate courses information, application documents, and how to apply, visit the official website:

PhD scholarships at DTU Nanotech Technical University of Denmark

PhD scholarships at DTU Nanotech
Technical University of Denmark

A number of PhD scholarships are available at the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, DTU Nanotech, starting in the summer/fall of 2011. The subject of the PhD project must be within one of the main research areas of the department:

Cleanroom based micro- and nanofabrication
Polymer micro- and nanoengineering
Synthesis and self assembly of nanostructures
Lab-on-a-chip technology
Diagnostics and drug delivery
Miniaturised sensor and energy technology
Theory of micro- and nanosystems

Candidates should have (or soon obtain) a master’s degree in or a similar degree with an equivalent academic level. Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their master’s degree, but cannot begin the PhD education before having received the grade.

To apply for these scholarships candidates must have an agreement with a supervisor at DTU Nanotech about a specified project. Therefore, for a candidate to be considered for the scholarships, endorsement and project description must be enclosed. See under “Application”.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships are subject to academic approval and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the PhD programmes at DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD students at DTU. The period of employment is 3 years.

DTU needs diversity and supports equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, and ethnic back¬ground.

We must have your online application by 13 May 2011 at the latest. Apply online at Please open the link “apply for this job online”, fill in the application form and attach all of the following documents:

Curriculum vitae of the applicant including a list of publications(guidelines)
A letter motivating the application (guidelines)
Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma
Conversion of grade averages to Danish grades (excel spreadsheet for the conversion)
Description of the proposed research project (guidelines) (to be attached under “Attach other relevant file”)
Endorsement by the DTU Nanotech supervisor (guidelines) (to be attached under “Attach other relevant file”)

Application Deadline: 13 May 2011

Further information is available at PhD at the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology or by contacting senior consultant Anne Line Mikkelsen, phone +45 45255858, e-mail anne.line.mikkelsen(at)

DTU Nanotech – the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology – is situated in the northern part of Copenhagen. DTU Nanotech is a centre of excellence in micro- and nanotechnology exploiting sciences across the traditional boundaries of technology, thereby enabling innovative solutions for the benefit of society. DTU Nanotech has approx. 200 people on its staff. With 40 % non-Danes, the department constitutes an international environment.

Slovak Government Scholarships for International Students, Slovak Republic

Slovak Government Scholarships for International Students, Slovak Republic

Scholarship Details: The provision of development aid of the Slovak Republic (SR) in the area of education takes the form of the award of scholarships of the Government of the SR that are consistent with the conditions approved by the Government Resolution No.344/2010 of 25 May 2010 for developing countries and for Slovaks living abroad, the Government Resolution No. 625/2008, of 17 September 2008, for academic year 2011/2012.

The official range of scholarship positions available is annually notified through the diplomatic offices of the SR abroad.
Under the development aid for the developing countries, the official offer is sent to the ministry of foreign affairs of the relevant country in accordance with the approved breakdown of countries and scholarship places in particular academic years.

Under the aid to Slovaks living abroad, the offer is sent to the official compatriot representatives according to the approved breakdown of countries and scholarship positions in relevant academic years.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application
Download Application for granting a scholarship – document in PDF format


Laporan Praktikum Genetika
Faiq Anan M*), A.R. Junaid, D.C. Waluyo, D. Oktavia, N. Nikita, R. Guspratiwi, P.S. Pangestu
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Departemen Biologi
Mei 2011


Digesti merupakan suatu metode pemotongan fragmen DNA menggunakan enzim restriksi. Pemotongan bertujuan mendapatkan suatu sekuens yang spesifik. Enzim restriksi dapat memotong secara spesifik fragmen-fragmen pada DNA. Hasil pemotongan dapat berupa ‘sticky’ dan ‘blunt’. Penamaan enzim restriksi menggunakan sebuah sistem nomenklatur sendiri. Telah dilakukan praktikum digesti (pemotongan fragmen DNA) dengan enzim restriksi. Jenis enzim restriksi yang digunakan adalah BanI. Hasil praktikum divisualisasi dalam geldoc yang sebelumnya dielektroforesis terlebih dahulu. Terlihat band yang telah dipotong oleh enxim restriksi.

Kata kunci: Enzim restriksi, sticky end, digesti

1. Pendahuluan

DNA hasil isolasi masih berupa sekuens yang panjang dengan fragmen-fragmen yang masih saling berikatan. Pemotongan dengan suatu enzim pada DNA tersebut dilakukan untuk menghasilkan sekuens DNA tertentu yang spesifik. Enzim restriksi dapat mengenali situs penganalan pada DNA secara spesifik dan memotongnya secara spesifik.
Digesti merupakan proses pemotongan fragmen DNA dengan menggunakan suatu enzim khusus yaitu enzim restriksi. Enzim restriksi yang digunakan yaitu enzim restriksi endonuklease yang akan mengenali dan memotong fragmen DNA pada sekuen yang spesifik. Fragmen yang dipotong akan digabungkan dengan suatu fragmen DNA lain yang berperan sebagai vektor. Vektor merupakan molekul DNA yang dapat bereplikasi secara autonom yang akan memfasilitasi proses manipulasi dan identifikasi molekul DNA rekombinan yang terbentuk (Klug & Cummings 1994: 383).
Prinsip dasar dari teknologi DNA rekombinan adalah sebuah golongan enzim yang disebut restriksi endonuklease. Enzim ini diisolasi dari bakteri, diperoleh dari namanya karena mereka membatasi atau mencegah infeksi virus dengan memotong asam nukleat yang datang. Enzim restriksi mengenal sebuah sekuen nukleotida spesifik dan menghasilkan suatu kerusakan dobel helix di dalam atau di dekat dari sekuens (Klug & Cummings 1994 : 384).
Situs pemotongan enzim restriksi terdapat dua macam, yaitu di dalam lokus dan di tepi lokus, atau bisanya disebut eksonuklease dan endonuklease. Sedangkan hasil pemotongan terdapat dua yaitu, blunt end dan sticky end. Blunt end menghasilkan hasil akhir pemotongan yang tumpul, sedangkan pada sticky end menghasilkan pemotongan yang lancip. Pemotongan blunt end menghasilkan masalah ketika dicoba untuk diklonkan. Hal ini berbeda dengan hasil sticky end yang lebih efisien (Reece 2004: 187--188). Pemotongan enzim restriksi yang dapat menghasilkan ujung yang dinamakan “sticky” yang dapat saling menempel antara ujung DNA satu dengan ujung DNA yang lain. Kedua DNA dengan ujung sticky jika ditempatkan pada kondisi yang tepat, maka dapat membentuk molekul rekombinan dengan menempelkan kedua ujungnya. Penempelan kedua ujung dibantu oleh enzim ligase (Klug & Cummings 1994: 384).
Dua jenis enzim erestriksi endonuklease telah ditemukan, dan lebih dari 80 enzim dari ketiga tipe sudah dikenali. Enzim restriksi tipe I mengenali suatu DNA pada suatu lokasi secara acak pada beberapa jarak dari situs pengenalannya. Enzim restriksi tipe II mengenali suatu sekuens spesifik dan memotong dengan tepat kedua untai di dalam sekuens. Enzim restriksi tipe II ini, situs pengenalannya berupa palindromik yang membaca secara sama arah 5’ ke 3’ pada untai komplementer. Tipe III enzim restriksi mengenali urutan DNA yang spesifik dan memotong di dekat situs pengenalannya, biasanya sekitar 25 bp. Dari 3 jenis, enzim tipe II yang sering digunakan pada genetic engineering. Satu diantara enzim yang ditemukan berasal dari E. coli dan telah diberi nama ECoR1 (Klug & Cummings 1994 : 384 ; Pierce. 2002: 510).
Nomenklatur enzim restriksi berasal dari tiga huruf pertama dari singkatan untuk setiap enzim restriksi mengacu pada spesies bakteri dari mana enzim diisolasi (misalnya, Eco mengacu pada E. coli). Huruf keempat dapat merujuk pada strain bakteri dari mana enzim diisolasi (huruf "R" dalam EcoRI menunjukkan bahwa enzim ini diisolasi dari RY13 strain E. coli). Angka Romawi yang mengikuti huruf memungkinkan enzim berbeda dari spesies yang sama untuk diidentifikasi. Untuk kenyamanan, ahli genetika molekuler telah menyebutksn dengan istimewa pengucapan nama-nama tersebut, misal : EcoRI dilafalkan "echo-R-one," adalah HindIII "hin-D-three," dan HaeIII adalah "hae-three." lafal ini umum tidak mematuhi aturan-aturan formal dan hanya harus dipelajari (Pierce. 2002: 511).
Perkembangan teknik-teknik biologi molekular, salah satunya menciptakan teknik digesti yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam penelitian genetik serta mempermudah dalam mendapatkan DNA yang mengkode gen spesifik dalam jumlah besar. Selain itu, digesti merupakan salah satu teknik yang mendukung studi ekspresi, struktur, dan organisasi gen. Metode tersebut juga mendukung perkembangan industri bioteknologi yang telah menghasilkan banyak produk di tingkat pasaran (Klug & Clummings 1994: 384).
Praktikum digesti (pemotongan fragmen DNA) dengan enzim restriksi dilakukan dengan tiga tujuan. Pertama, mengetahui pengertian dan prinsip kerja digesti. Kedua, memahami dan mengetahui fungsi enzim restriksi. Ketiga, mengetahui aturan nomenklatur enzim restriksi..

2. Metodologi

Praktikum digesti (pemotongan fragmen DNA) dengan enzim restriksi menggunakan alat-alat dan bahan-bahan tertentu. Alat-alat yang digunakan pada praktikum Digesti (pemotongan DNA) dengan enzim restriksi yaitu, mikropipet, tube, sarung tangan, tabung 1,5 ml, kotak es dan inkubator. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan yaitu, enzim BanI 20 U/μl, Buffer NE4 10x, Nuclease free water, sampel DNA darah.
Cara kerja yang dilakukan yaitu pertama reaction mixture dimasukkan ke dalam tube. Reaction mixture berisi enzim BanI 0,5 μl, Buffer NE4 10x 1,2 μl, Nuclease free water 3,65 μl dan amplikon 10 μl. Kedua, tube diinkubasi selama empat jam pada suhu 37oC. Ketiga, hasil inkubasi dielektrolisis kemudian hasilnya divisualisasi pada geldoc.

3. Hasil Pengamatan

Hasil yang diperoleh pada praktikum digesti fragmen DNA dengan enzim restriksi yaitu visualisasi gel doc hasil digesti yang dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut.

4. Pembahasan

Enzim restriksi yang digunakan dalam praktikum yaitu enzim BanI U/µl. Enzim tersebut berasal dari bakteri Bacillus aneurinolyticus (IAM 1077). Panjang sekuensnya 354 AA dan berfungsi dalam molekular sebagai endonuklease, hydrolase dan nuklease. Marka yang digunakan dalam praktikum yaitu Marker Øx/HaeIII. Jenis marka tersebut memiliki dua tipe yaitu N3026L dan N3026S. marka N3026L memiliki ukuran 250 gel lanes dengan konsentrasi 1000 mg/µl. Marka N3026S memiliki ukuran gel lanes dengan konsentrasi 1000 mg/µl.
Berdasarkan hasil visualisasi dapat ditentukan ukruan berat suatu protein dengan menggunakan marka. Semua sampel dari kelompok 1B sampai kelompok 5B memiliki dua band yang spesifik yaitu ukuran antara 118b--194bp dan 234 bp. Sedangkan sampel kelompok 6B hanya mempunyaiampel satu band yang berukuran antara 310bp--603bp.
Berdasarkan literatur, proses digesti diawali dengan pengenalan fragmen DNA sampel pada sekuen yang spesifik oleh enzim restriksi, dalam hal ini enzim restriksi endonuklease. Fragmen kemudian bergabung dengan molekul DNA lain yang berperan sebagai vektor. Vektor terserbut dapat melakukan replikasi secara autonom atau mandiri dan membantu proses pembentukan molekul DNA rekombinan. Vektor kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam host cell, tempat dihasilkan kopian fragmen DNA yang dinamakan Clones. Clones merupakan molekul DNA rekombinan yang mengandung vektor dan fragmen DNA sampel yang telah mengalami replikasi. Clones kemudian diisolasi dari host cell, dipurifikasi, dan dianalisis (Klug & Cummings 1994: 383).
Proses digesti menggunakan larutan nuclease free water, larutan ini digunakan sebagai pelarut dari semua bahan-bahan. Kemudian Buffer NE4 10x, larutan ini digunakan untuk menjaga pH larutan selama proses digesti. Selain itu juga digunakan enzim BanI yang akan mengenali dan memotong fragmen DNA sampel pada sekuen yang spesifik.

5. Kesimpulan

Kesimpulan yang didapat praktikan dari praktikum digesti (pemotongan fragmen DNA) dengan enzim restriksi yaitu :
1. Digesti merupakan proses pemotongan DNA menggunakan enzim restriksi.
2. Enzim restriksi merupakan suatu enzim yang dapat memotong secara spesifik sekuens tertentu pada suatu DNA.
3. Penamaan enzim restriksi berdasarkan nama bekteri yang digunakan, baik nama genus maupun nama spesies, nama strain bakteri dan nomor bakteri tersebut digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan enzim.

6. Daftar Pustaka

Klug, W. S. & M. R. Cummings. 1994. Concept of genetics. 4th Ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs: xvi + 779 hlm.
Pierce, B.A., GENETICS: A Conceptual approach, 3th Ed. 2002. Paperback: xxv + 711 hlm.
Reece,.J.R.2004.Analysis of genes and genomes.J.H. Willey & Sons : xvii + 459 hlm.

Karawitan Jawa Sejajar dengan Musik Klasik Barat

Karawitan Jawa Sejajar dengan Musik Klasik Barat

Surakarta, CyberNews. Tak disangkal lagi, karawitan Jawa sudah menembus lapisan masyarakat internasional. Tak hanya unsur estetik musikal, namun terkandung nilai unik, keberagaman, toleransi, demokrasi, kemerdekaan, dan unsur universal lainnya. Faktor itu membuat karawitan terdorong mendunia.

''Pakar musik asing terus mengkaji dari berbagai sisi, dan menyebarkannya ke seluruh dunia. Ketertarikan itu merupakan sebuah pengakuan kesetaraan kualitas karawitan dengan musik barat. Derajat keklasikan karawitan sejajar dengan musik klasik barat,'' kata Prof DR Waridi SKar MHum dalam pidato pengukuhannya sebagau guru besar Ilmu Karawitan di Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta, Rabu (15/11).

Pidato pengukuhan diselingi dengan iringan berbagai gending, untuk menunjukan beberapa cirikhas perkembangan karawitan Jawa.

Dia mencontohkan, saat ini di Amerika terdapat lebih dari 200 perangkat gamelan jawa. Juga di Inggris, Belanda, Australia, Jepang, Jerman, New Zeland, yang punya puluhan perangkat. Secara intensif gamelan dipelajari tidak sekadar sebagai alat musik, namun juga dari sisi teori dan keilmuan.

''Malah akhir-akhir ini gamelan sudah mengalir ke negeri Cina, Skotlandia, Austria, dan negara-negara Eropa Timur. Itu semua merupakan jalan panjang yang dilewati secara dinamis, sesuai dengan dinamika sosial dan budaya masyarakat. Karawitan pun tampil sebagai multifaced (banyak ragam), yang memiliki dimensi multi,'' tandas dia.

Derajat keklasikan karawitan tidak saja terkait dengan perjalanan waktu, namun berhubungan dengan kualitas musikal, sistem dan organisasi, orkestrasi, instrumentasi, kandungan nilai-nilai dan fungsinya yang membudaya di tengah masyarakat.

Dari sisi keilmuan, Ilmu Karawitan tumbuh sejak jaman penjajahan. Sejumlah peneliti asing mengkaji dari sisi teoritik. Misalnya Jaap Kunts yang memulai studi ilmu tersebut pada tahun 1920. Disusul Mantel Hood pada tahun 1954. Meski tidak sempurna, karena lebih merupakan penelitian teoritik, namun diakui etnomusikologi asing itu memelopori terbukanya kajian secara ilmiah karawitan.

''Kajian intensif dimulai oleh para ahli karawitan, sejalan dengan lahirnya berbagai perguruan tinggi dan sekolah karawitan di Indonesia. Ada Ki Martopengrawit yang juga pendiri serta dosen di ASKI (Akademi Seni Karawitan Indonesia) Surakarta, yang dilanjutkan dengan para muridnya seperti Prof Sumarsam SKar, Prof DR Rahayu Supanggah SKar, Prof DR Sri Hastanto SKar,'' kata dia.

Dari perkembangan penciptaan, yang juga dipelopori Martopengrawit, juga muncul Tjokrowasito, dan Ki Narto Sabdo yang sangat fenomenal karena keberaniannya menciptakan terobosan dalam penciptaan dan keberagaman karawitan. Masing-masing memiliki dan mengembangkan cirikhas yang sangat menonjol dalam penciptaan gending.

''Martopengrawit dipengaruhi kondisi sosial dan budaya, Tjokrowasito condong pada pengaruh perpolitikan sehingga muncul gending kritik sosial. Narto Sabdo didukung dengan kemampuan kesenimanan mampu menerobos berbagai ranah kehidupan.''

Yang pasti, dengan perkembangan tersebut, sudah waktunya karawitan berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah ilmu, bukan berteduh di bawah bendera ilmu lain.( joko dwi hastanto/Cn08 )

dari Suara Merdeka Cyber News

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Ebook baru (path I)

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Selamat mendownload dan membacanya...:)

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme 2011/2012 for International Students

Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme 2011/2012 for International Students

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme (LExS) is open to outstanding Non-EU/EEA students pursuing a master’s degree programme at Leiden University.

All nationalities enrolling in the following programmes starting September 2011 or February 2012:
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Tax Law
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Public International Law
- MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme has 5 awards:

Platinum; Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee* and an allowance of €10,000 for living costs
Gold; Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee*
Silver; Covers 75% of the tuition fee
Bronze; Covers 50% of the tuition fee
Ivory; Covers 25 % of the tuition fee

Students should be aware that the LExS is not a full scholarship. It is necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance their study and stay completely.

The maximum study period is 12 months (1-year programme) or 24 months (2-year programme).


Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University master’s degree programme
In his or her prior academic education abroad, the applicant must have achieved excellent study results which are relevant for the programme for which the student wishes to enrol. As an indication, the student will be among the top 10% for the relevant programme followed abroad
The applicant will hold a non-EU/EEA passport and will not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (“Studiefinanciering”; for more information please refer to:
Scholarships will not be awarded to applicants who have already obtained a Leiden University master’s degree
Students who are granted a Leiden Excellence Scholarship must comply with and confirm in writing their agreement with the terms and conditions (pdf) attached to the scholarship prior to the granting of the scholarship.

Students are selected on the basis of academic merit.

Application instructions:

To apply for the scholarship, you should write a letter of motivation (in Word) of a maximum of 500 words, in which you indicate why you believe you should be considered for this scholarship. The Word document should then be attached on the scholarship page in your online application for the master’s programmes for which you are applying.

For programmes starting in September, the deadline is 1 April of the same year while for programmes starting in February, the deadline is 15 October of the previous year.

Further Leiden University Excellence Scholarship information and application:


MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) offers
scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as
research students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for
2011 as follows:


Fields of study must be subjects which applicants will be able to study and research at
Japanese universities.

Keep in mind, however, that a student who majors in medicine, dentistry or welfare
science will not be allowed to engage in clinical training such as medical care and
operative surgery until he/she obtains a permit from the Minister of Health, Labour
and Welfare under applicable Japanese laws. Majors in traditional entertainment such
as Kabuki and classical Japanese dances, or in subjects that seek practical training in
specific technologies or techniques at factories or companies are excluded.



Applicant must have the nationality of a country which has diplomatic relations with
the Japanese government. This applies at such times to stateless persons, too.
Applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application will not be eligible.

Applicant screening will be made at the Japanese Embassy/Consulate
Generalhereinafter referred to as the “Japanese legation”) in the country of
Applicant’s nationality(except where two or more countries are attended by the same
Japanese Embassy/Consulate General).


Applicant must have been born on or after April 2,1976.

(3) Academic Background:

Applicant must be a graduate from a Japanese university or have academic ability
equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate. A person will be deemed
to have academic ability equal or superior to that of a university graduate, if he/she

[1] has completed or will complete a 16-year school curriculum in a foreign country
(or an 18-year school curriculum if he/she desires to enroll in a doctoral course in the
field of medicine, dentistry or veterinary science, or pharmacy which is founded on a 6
-year department or faculty); or

[2] is or will be aged 22 or older and has taken an individual entrance
examination and has been judged by a graduate school as being equal or superior in
academic ability to a university graduate (or 24 or older if he/she desires to enroll in a
doctoral course in the field of medicine, dentistry or veterinary science, or pharmacy
which is founded on a 6-year department or faculty).
Note: Eligible applicants include those who otherwise satisfy or will satisfy qualification
requirements for admission to a Japanese graduate school. As a general rule, a person
who has completed a doctoral course may not apply unless he/she seeks to obtain a

(4)Major Field of Study:
Applicant should apply for the field of study he/she studied at the previous university
or any related field. Applicant must choose a field on which he/she can receive
education and perform research at the university of his/her choice.

(5)Japanese Language:
Applicant must be willing to learn the Japanese language, interested in Japan and
enthusiastic about deepening his/her understanding of Japan after arriving, and
capable of engaging in study and research while adapting himself/herself to life in

Applicant must be physically and mentally healthy enough to pursue study at

(7)Arrival in Japan:
Applicant must be able to leave for and arrive in Japan between the 1st and 7th of
April 2011, or within two weeks of the date set by the receiving university for the
beginning of the semester (in principle, in September or October). Travel expenses
will not be provided if the Applicant chooses to travel to Japan before this set period.

(8)Visa Requirement:
Selected Applicants must obtain a College Student (ryuugaku 留学) visa prior to his
arrival in Japan. Applicants who are already in Japan under a visa other than College
Student are required to change it to College Student by the end of the month
preceding the start of the scholarship. Applicants who change their resident status to
any status other than “College Student” after their arrival in Japan will immediately
lose their status as a Japanese government scholarship student.

Any applicant who meets any or all of the following conditions is not eligible. If
identified after the start of the scholarship period, the applicant will be required to
withdraw from the scholarship:
1: The Applicant is an active member of the military or a civilian employed by the
military at the time the scholarship period is due to begin.
2: The Applicant is unable to travel to Japan within the dates set by the receiving
3: If the Applicant was a grantee of a Japanese Government Scholarship in the past.
Unless he/she has had at least three years of research or teaching experience
between the completion of the first scholarship and the start of the second
scholarship period. This exclusion will not apply to a research-student applicant, who

(i) as an international student in Japan received training in Japanese studies at a
university but graduated from his/her home university, or who (ii) was an international
student in Japan under the Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program for
the Students in Science and Engineering Departments.
4: The Applicant is currently enrolled in a Japanese university under the resident
status of “College Student,” or if he/she plans to enroll at a Japanese university as a
privately-financed international student between the time of application for this
scholarship and the time the scholarship period is due to begin.
5: The Applicant is already the recipient of a scholarship from an organization
(including a governmental organization in his/her country of origin) other than the
Japanese government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- MEXT).
6: The Applicant, considered a “future graduate” and selected as such, is unable to
graduate within the pre-set date or unable to fulfill graduation requirements.


The term of scholarship will differ as follows depending on the course a grantee takes
in Japan:
In a case where Grantee will enroll as a research student, non-degree student, or
auditor, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Research Student”) after coming to Japan:
[1] If Grantee comes to Japan in April 2011, his/her scholarship will be payable for 24
months from April 2011 through March 2013;
[2] If Grantee comes to Japan in October 2011, his/her scholarship will be payable for
18 months from October 2011 through March2013.
(In either case, the above-mentioned term of scholarship includes a 6-month
Japanese language training period for grantees who require such training)
If Grantee enrolls in a master's course, doctoral course, or professional graduate
course after coming to Japan, regardless of the time of his/her arrival in Japan the
scholarship will be payable for a period necessary for Grantee to complete his/her
regular course (standard course term). (Plus a 6-month Japanese language training
period for Grantee who needs such training.)
If Grantee desires to proceed to a regular graduate course from a Research Student
course, or to a doctoral course from a master’s course or a professional graduate
course, he/she may have the term of his/her scholarship extended upon successful
examination by MEXT provided that he/she has outstanding academic achievement
that meets certain criteria. (Grantee as Research Student cannot have the term of
his/her scholarship extended. If Grantee proceeds to a higher level of education
without receiving approval for an extension of the term of the scholarship, the
scholarship will be cancelled. He/she may, however, proceed to a higher level of
education or continue with his/her study as a privately-financed student.)
Please note, however, that proceeding to a regular graduate course from a Research
Student course is subject to period- related restrictions. Application for extension of
stay will not be accepted in the following cases:
[1] Grantee desires to move on to a master’s course in a Natural Science field, but is
unable to proceed to a regular course by the last day of the 24th month counted from
the month of arrival in Japan;
[2] Grantee desires to move on to a master’s course in a Social Science field, but is
unable to proceed to a regular course by the last day of the 25th month counted from
the month of arrival in Japan;
[3] Grantee desires to move on to a doctoral course in a Natural Science field, but is
unable to proceed to a regular course by the last day of the 13th month counted from
the month of arrival in Japan;
[4] Grantee desires to move on to a doctoral course in a Social Science field, but is
unable to proceed to a regular course by the last day of the 24th month counted from
the month of arrival in Japan;


Under the fiscal 2010 budget, each grantee will be provided monthly with 152,000 yen
(Research Student course), 154,000 yen (students enrolled in a Master’s program or
a professional degree program), or 155,000 yen (students enrolled in a doctoral
program) (an additional monthly stipend of 2,000 or 3,000 yen may be provided to
those undertaking study or research in specially designated regions). However, these
amounts are subject to change depending on the annual budget of each year. The
scholarship will not be paid to a grantee who takes a leave of absence or is long
absent from his/her university.
Scholarship will be cancelled for a grantee in the following cases. Furthermore, if
scholarship payments were made during the period the following cases applied, the
grantee may be ordered to return scholarship payments received during that period.
[1] If any of his/her application documents is found to be falsely stated;
[2] If he/she is in breach of his/her pledge made to the Minister of
[3] If he/she is subjected to disciplinary action, such as expulsion or removal from
register, taken by his/her university or the preparatory Japanese-teaching institution;
[4] If it becomes definitive that the grantee will not be able to complete his/her
course within the standard course term because of his/her poor academic
achievement or suspension;
[5] If his/her resident status of “College Student” as provided for in Paragraph 1-4
of Appendix to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act changes to any
other status;
[6] If he/she is provided with another scholarship (except for a scholarship
designated for research expenses); or
[7]If he/she proceeds to a higher level of education without receiving approval for
an extension of the term of the scholarship.

(2)Traveling Costs
[1] Transportation to Japan: Each grantee will be provided, according to his/her
itinerary and route as designated by MEXT, with an economy class air ticket from the
international airport closest to his/her place of residence to Narita International
Airport (or following the itinerary normally used by the university where the grantee is
placed). Expenses such as inland transportation from his/her place of residence to
the nearest international airport, airport tax, airport usage charges, special taxes on
overseas travel and travel expenses within Japan will be borne by the grantee (the
place of residence of the grantee shall in principle be the address stated in the
application form). Air travel from a country other than the grantee’s nationality will
not be covered, nor travel to Japan before April 1, 2011.
If the grantee comes to Japan to obtain admission to a university, he/she will not be
provided with traveling cost to Japan.
[2]Transportation from Japan: The grantee who returns to his/her home country
within the last-payment month of his/her scholarship will be provided, upon
application, with an economy class air ticket for a flight from Narita International
Airport (or following the itinerary normally used by the university where the grantee is
placed) to the international airport closest to his/her place of return.
Note:Insurance premiums for travel to/from Japan shall be borne by the grantee. The
airport the grantee departs from or returns to must be an airport of the country of
his/her nationality.
[3]School Fees: Fees for matriculation, tuition and entrance examinations at a
university will be paid by the Japanese government. If the grantee moves on to higher
education as a nonregular student, he/she will pay for entrance examinations.

In cooperation with the governments of the applicants’ countries the Japanese
legation will perform primary screening of applicants by means of submitted application
documents, written examinations and interviews.
Written examinations will be English and Japanese tests. The Japanese examination
must be taken by all applicants. and the English by those who wish.
(3)The following policy will apply to each screening:
[1]Application documents: Must show that the applicant obtained academic
achievement higher than a certain level at the university he/she last graduated from,
and state the applicant’s desired research program in a detailed and concrete manner.
[2] Written examination: Must show that the applicant obtained scores better than a
certain level either in Japanese or English.
[3] Interview: Must reveal that the applicant has a clear sense of purpose relating to
his/her study in Japan and has gathered information about Japanese universities.
Interview must also reveal that the applicant has sufficient Japanese or English
language ability to communicate with his/her adviser in Japan. If the applicant desires
to study a subject that requires higher Japanese language proficiency, Interview must
reveal that the applicant has a considerable degree of Japanese language proficiency.
Results of the primary screening will be notified on the date separately designated by
the Japanese legation.
Each person who has passed this primary screening is required to contact directly the
Japanese university of his/her choice and make the utmost effort to obtain admission
as a graduate student or research student, or a letter of provisional acceptance as a
research student (hereinafter referred to as “Admission”) by the end of August.
Each candidate must submit to the university of his/her choice a set of the same
documents as those submitted to the Japanese legation (application, academic
transcript of the university attended, research program, all with a confirmation seal of
the Japanese legation affixed, and a certificate of the primary selection issued by the
Japanese legation). Additional documents may have to be submitted upon request of
the university.
MEXT will conduct a secondary screening based on the results of the primary
screening conducted by the Japanese legation, and select as national scholarship
grantees those applicants who have found recipient universities. Therefore, applicants
who have passed the primary screening at Japanese legation are not necessarily
accepted as scholarship grantees.
Note 1: A written Japanese examination must be taken by all applicants. In addition,
an English examination will be provided to those who wish. The result of these
examinations will provide a basis for determining each applicant’s language ability and
will be reflected directly in the screening.
The result of the written Japanese examination will continue to be used as reference
data for Japanese-language teaching due to be provided upon applicants’ arrival in
Note 2: For example, if an applicant with limited proficiency in Japanese desires to
pursue fields of study such as Japanese linguistics, Japanese literature, Japanese
history, or Japanese laws ―fields that require sufficient knowledge of the Japanese
language ― he/she will not be selected as a grantee unless there is a very special
An applicant who desires to conduct fieldwork abroad at the time of application will
not be selected, either.
Note 3: Applicants who passed the secondary screening and who do not receive from
MEXT a notice of their acceptance by a university by the end of July 2011 will
automatically be disqualified.
If an applicant is notified of his/her selection as a substitute grantee, he may be
designated as a definitive grantee as early as by the end of July in the event that any
one of the selected grantees is known to be failing because of his/her declination or
any other event.

for more informations : click here

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Kuis Genetika 03-03-11

1. Sebutkan 5 alasan penggunaan Drosophila melanogaster dalam praktikum!
2. Sebutkan 3 perbedaan Drosophila melanogaster jantan dan betina!
3. Sebutkan minimal 3 Drosophila melanogaster yang diamati hari ini dan jelaskan mutasi apa saja!
4. Sebutkan fungsi dari : a. Sex comb
b. Bristle
5. Diketahui Drosophila melanogaster betina, sayap tereduksi, mata berwarna coklat tua kehitaman, tubuhnya berwarna hitam!

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Kumpulan Puisi

Iri Pada Mereka Yang Tahu Kemana Seharusnya Kaki Melangkah

Aku Iri, Sungguh...
Pada usia muda yang kau punya
Pada tawa ceria yang kau tebar
Pada waktu yang tampak selalu berpihak padamu

Aku Iri, Sungguh...
pada air matamu yang bisa turun ke pipi
saat hati berhadapan dengan Illahi
pada langkahmu yang menapaki pasti
asa yang ada di langit tinggi

Aku Iri, Sungguh...
Pada proses yang mau kau jalani
pada cinta yang mau kau bagi
pada hatimu yang tak henti mensyukuri

Aku Iri, Sungguh...
pada kesungguhanmu
pada keteguhanmu
pada keyakinanmu
pada kepercayan dirimu

Teman, aku sungguh iri padamu..


(Cinta) tanpa peran

Aku tidak mempunyainya
bukan berarti ku tak ingin.....

Bosan mendengar orang menunjukan jalan.....
tapi apakah mereka pernah menyusuri jalan itu.......

Inginku teriak....
tapi tak ingin ada yang mendengar....

berharap tidak ada yang melihat......
walaupun "tidak setiap air mata itu buruk".....

Knapa kecemasan terlalu sering jadi pembatas....
adakah yg salah dengan watak???
mencoba menyamarkan harap dengan imajinasi.
kendati sadar, tak pernah menyesal.

Musabab ku menjalani tawa dan tangis..
terima kasih ya Allah telah memberiku IMAJINASI..


hidup = lahir, mengenal, berjuang, memberontak, merdeka, mati

tirai kelabu mengalun perlahan
dentum kerasnya ik lantang
dua jam berganti fajar
merangkak perlahan dari ufuk barat

mereka melihat, mendengar
harmonisa membeku, sirna
kebusukan langkah tampak dalam spektrum
kebaikan tercerca, tak lagi mengalun

gelap, terang, hitam, putih,
semua berelegi

keluar dari lubang
becek, darah, perjuangan
harapan atau ancaman

melihat, mendengar, merasa, meraba,
melanglang mencari
entah apa

terdoktrin, idealis, aspirasi
peluh menetes deras
lelah, tapi tetap bagaimanapun caranya
demi tujuan dalam kotak

berani, emosi, marah, senjata
otak yang suda di titik klimaks
raga yang mulai gusar
hati telah membusuk, tak lagi diam
ditunggangi kepentingan orang
tanpa sadar

bebas, pesta, tanpa aturan, terserah
berdansa diatas rampasan pertarungan
berenang di kolam darah pekat
darah siapa saja, ntahlah

mimpi, harapan, masa depa, dan cita-cita,
kebencian, dendam, iri, dan kegelapan,
cinta, sayang, dan empati
sejarah, masa lalu, kenangan, dan trauma
semua berelegi
lalu berjalan menjauh,

ku mulai menutup mata

Andai Aku Masih Yang Dulu

Andai aku masih yang dulu
Maka pasti aku akan menyayangmu
Andai aku masih yang dulu
Mungkin tak ragu hati ini mencintai

Sayang sang waktu telah mengubah aku
Aku tidak bisa lagi jatuh cinta
Walau aku sangat menyukai gayamu
Senyummu harummu dan ceriamu

Sayangku kok ada sich yang seperti kamu
Wahai gadis impianku pujaan hatiku
Bukan salah waktu kita telat berjumpa
Namun takdir yang tak memihak pada kita

Dari :

Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) by the Malaysian Government for International Students

The Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) is an initiative by the Malaysian Government to attract the best brain from around the world to pursue advanced academic studies in critical fields in Malaysia. This scholarship aims to support Malaysian Government effort to attract, motivate and retain talented human capital from abroad.

Talented international students with excellent academic records and outstanding co-curricular backgrounds are welcomed to apply for this scholarship and further their studies in any selected and well-established Malaysian public and private universities. This scholarship is divided into two (2) categories of study: Postgraduate and Post-doctoral Studies.


To be eligible for Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS), applicants must fit the following criteria:

a) Not be more than 45 years of age during application.

b) Obtained a minimum of Second Class Upper (Honours) or a CGPA of 3.5/4.0 at Bachelor Degree Level for Masters Degree applicants and for PhD candidates must possess CGPA 3.5/4.0 or very good result at Masters degree level in a similar field of intended PhD study. In addition, for post-doctoral programme, the selection will be evaluated based on the number of books produced, refereed/non refereed journals, portfolio and patent copyright. The Post-Doctoral candidate must have excellent reputation in research and possesses knowledge related to the research to be carried out.

c) Took one of the following English Language Proficiency Test not more than two years before the date of application. The list of tests and minimum scores required:

- IELTS Academic Test with a score of at least 6.5; or
- TOEFL paper-based test with a score of at least 580, computer-based test with a score of at least 230 and internet-based test with a score at least 92.

d) In excellent health condition and certified by a Certified Doctor/Medical Professional. The cost of medical examination is to be borne by the applicants

e) Wrote a proposal that is relevant to the needs and interests of Malaysia (research-based programme only)

f) Has applied for and gained admission to postgraduate and post-doctoral studies in Malaysia (conditional letters of offer will be accepted at the time of application or has a confirmation of acceptance or affiliation with the universities in Malaysia).


Each scholarship consists of:

a) Air tickets from recipient`s capital city to Malaysia
b) An approved tuition fees
c) Monthly maintenance allowance
d) Annual grant for books and internal travel
e) Medical / Health Insurance
f) Installation and Termination grant
g) Thesis allowance (will be paid at the beginning of research (after proposal defense) and the balance will be paid only upon submission of the thesis) For PhD and Post-Doctoral only
* The Government of Malaysia reserves the rights to review the value of awards at anytime (and if such changes are made, the value of scholarship will be changed and the effective date will be informed to the successful candidates).


Field of studies are in the following priority areas:

a) Science and Engineering
b) Agriculture and Fisheries
c) Economics and Islamic Finance
d) Information and Communication Technology
e) Biotechnology
f) Biosecurity and Food Safety
g) Infrastructure and Utility
h) Environmental Studies
i) Health including but not limited to, nursing, medicine, clinical pharmacy

* Applicants may choose any related course within the field/areas mentioned above.


Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

a) High-level academic achievement and at least 3 years relevant work experience
b) The quality of the research proposal and its potential contribution towards advancement of technology and human well being.
c) Excellent communication, writing and reading skills in English Language


a) Scholarship holder must undertake full-time studies for postgraduate and post-doctoral studies at a campus of Malaysian Universities.
b) It is the responsibility of the scholarship holders to confirm admission to the university.
c) Scholarship holders must not change their programme during tenure of the scholarship except with written permission from their university and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.
d) Scholarship holders must follow the approved programmes and abide by the university`s rules, regulations and codes of conduct. Any suspension from the university will result in immediate suspension of award. Monthly allowances are not payable during suspension, including suspension due to illness.
e) It is the responsibility of successful candidates to apply for and meet the requirements for the issuing of an appropriate entry visa including medical examination. The offer of the scholarship does not guarantee the granting of a visa.
f) Scholarship holders must maintain satisfactory progress and good standing as stipulated by their host university and degree programme, or the scholarship will be withdrawn.
g) The scholarships are tenable in Malaysian universities and research must be carried out in Malaysia.
h) Scholarship holders are not allowed to take any paid employment during their tenure unless with written approval from the host university.


All applications should be made ONLINE through Ministry of Higher Education`s website at . The following documents must be attached with the online application form:

a) The applicant`s academic transcript

** Official translation in English is required if the transcript is in other language

b) Curriculum Vitae
c) Medical Report Form
d) Admission Letter from the university
e) English Language proficiency certificate (TOEFL or IELTS)
f) Two Letters of Recommendation
g) Endorsement Form


For further enquiries, please contact us :

email :
Tel No. : +603-8884 4600
Fax No. : +603-8884 4701